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Astrid D’Eredità

Dr. Astrid

Born in Taranto in 1979, lives in Rome with an airline ticket to Europe in her pocket.
She holds a PhD in Roman Archaeology from the University ‘Federico II’ of Naples and a specialization in Museology and Museography from the University ‘Aldo Moro’ of Bari.
She is responsible for communication and new media for the Italian National Association of Archaeologists (INAA) and founded the Committee on Gender Perspectives ‘Archeologhe che (r)esistono’.
Her line of research addresses public understanding of science, new technologies applied to museums and archaeological research, crusades for the legal recognition of italian cultural professionals. Her essay ‘Archaeology beneath the city: museum displays of underground sites in the world’ won in 2011 the 5th Forma Urbis Prize.
Blogger for the Italian newspaper Paese Sera, she writes for the blog Giù al Sud, the magazines t3nta, Caffè News and the international journal The Archaeology News Network and is managing editor of the scientific journals ‘Il Futuro dell’Antico’ and ‘Archeomafie’, official organ of International Research Center for Environment and Cultural Heritage. She will marry Paul McCartney, sooner or later.