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Christian Mihr


Christian Mihr is a journalist, human rights professional and international media policy expert. He has been the Executive Director of Reporters without Borders, German section (Reporter ohne Grenzen), since April 2012.

Prior to joining Reporters without Borders he worked as a journalist for n-ost Network for Reporting on Eastern Europe and various print- and online-media in Germany and Ecuador. At n-ost he was heading the media policy projects and was the senior editor of euro|topics. Furthermore he worked as a media trainer for the Robert Bosch Foundation in Rostov-on-Don (Russia) and as the head of press and public relations department at the German Institute for Development (DIE).

His topics of special interest are media freedom, access to information and transnational journalism, journalistic projects at the interface of ICT and human rights promotion, the challenges of creating a European Public Sphere, civil societal media ownership.

He studied journalism with a specialization in Latin American Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt and the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.