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Khaldoun Al Agha


Khaldoun Al Agha, is full professor at Paris-Sud University. He is leading the networking group at LRI (Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique). He is also the director of the Master Degree (Research Option) of Computer Science at Paris-Sud University.Khaldoun Al Agha received his habilitation degree (2002) from Paris XI University, his PhD (1998) and his Master degree (1995) from Versailles University and his engineering degree (1993) from the Ecole Supérieure d’Electricité (1993).Khaldoun Al Agha is a very active member at ICT Labs (recently created by the European Commission to enhance education, research and innovation in ICT). He is leading the European action line “Digital Cities of the Future”. In that action line, he is developing a new model, citizen-centric based to improve the urban environment. Khaldoun Al Agha is the co-founder of the company Green Communications (www.green-communications.fr). Khaldoun Al Agha is leading many projects on telecommunication networks and published more than 150 papers in journals and conferences.