For re:publica, one of Europe’s biggest conferences about social media, blogging and the digital society, we created an analog twitter wall. Here’s a short video documenting the project.
(Ein Gastbeitrag von precious forever)
re:publica without a twitter wall would be like a church without a cross, html without <a> or The Beatles sans Lennon. So, like last year, the twitter wall was a central piece of the design concept […] Read entry
Die re:publica 2012 ist zwar schon zu Ende, die Speaker-Präsentationen wollen wir euch aber nicht vorenthalten. Wir haben euch die Präsentationen in einem extra ingerichteten SafeSync-Ordner hinterlegt. Unser Partner Trend Micro hat mit SafeSyn[…] Read entry
It took as a little bit of time, but now we can announce that all sessions held on Stage 1, 2 and 5 are available at our YouTube-Channel! So, if you want to watch Sascha Lobos surprise session one more time, missed the copyright debate or want to[…] Read entry