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Government as a Platform – Collaborative Democracy with the State as an Operating System

Information technology especially the internet has created reams of innovative forms to harness the creativity of people. A “co-production” of the rule is the logical evolution of previous participatory approaches. Beyond existing concepts in the concerns of management, the goal is that non-state actors strongly supported by the Internet, create an indispensable contribution to the provision of public services and to their delivery. Facing future challenges (debt brake, demographic change ) and considering new technology (Cloud, Big Data, Open Data) new innovative models of the state as an operating system open up extensive opportunities and gateways for governmental efficiency and effectiveness. Not only offers the approach of “Government as a Platform” new ways to adress people, but to enhance the Public Sector to do a better job by subsidiarily integrating all actors (civil society, private sector, academia) along the policy cycle.

With a focus on the municipal level this workshop will elaborate technological, organisational and cultural models to integrate the concept of “Government as a Platform”.

Slot sponsored by Google.
